
  • Alexey A. Smirnov The Institute of Mining UB RAS
  • Y.G. Antipin Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of RAS
  • A.A. Rozhkov Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of RAS
  • K.V. Baranovsky



ore body, low thickness


Underground method of inclined valuable ore deposits (30 – 60°) as well as with low thickness (up to 4 – 5 m) being complicated by limited capabilities to apply highperformance mining systems, demands at the same time the maximum possible extrusion of balance reserves. One of the technologies that ensures high extraction indicators of ore with the inherent disadvantages in the form of a large amount of preparatory-development operations and low capacity by block is the system of flat-back cutand-fill method mining method. Using the well-known principle of increasing the stability of mining workings by forming the tent form of their roofing, the authors developed the design of this mining system with an upward course for inclined ore bodies of thickness, allowing improving the safety of work in the extraction space. We propose a technique to determine the parameters of the structure depending on the dimensions of the used technological equipment, safe gaps and heights for the passage of people in the stoping space. We established that the application of the developed system design allows to form a tent arch with secure parameters in the entire range of changes in the angle of inclined ore body.


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