rock mass, hierarchical block, geodynamic movements, stresses, deformations, vertical shafts, sinking, mineAbstract
Manifestation of geodynamic activity in the massif, namely in a discrete environment with a block organization, which contains objects of subsoil use, entails a decrease in the stability of the system "support - massif" during the construction and operation of underground workings, which is manifested as a loss of stability and failures of the existing support.
Revealing of interblock interfacing and their qualitative and quantitative estimation is an actual fundamental and
applied problem in a mining science which solution allows understanding more about mechanics of deformation of massif and, subsequently, taking into account the received results while conducting of mining works.
The authors proposed to use the results of measurements of dumps, displacements and other visible failures of the
contour of the cross-section of rock massifs recorded during their sinking to identify geodynamically active
interblock boundaries in rock massifs.
As an object of full-scale researches, the paper used the ore massif of the Kempirsay chromite deposits operated
by the mine "10th Anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan". Choice of this object is due to its favorable conditions for studying the processes of destruction and natural shifts of rock blocks, resulting from the combination of relatively high tectonic stress with low strength and the modulus of elasticity of the rock and ore massif of the mine.
We present an innovative methodology to identify geodynamically active block structures, self-organized in the
rock massifs under the influence of natural and anthropogenic field of stresses and deformations.
Conclusions: the degree of geodynamic activity of the intersected interblock contour is characterized by the ratio of the gradient of the jumping increase in the dimensions of the excavation to the gradient of their subsequent approach to the design dimensions.
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