geomechanical monitoring, structural and tectonic structure, anomalies, waterlogging, quarry, stability of quarry sides, landslides, deformations of ledges, geophysical methods, spectral seismic profilingAbstract
he article shows the principle of geomechanical monitoring using ground-based geophysics on the example of the Dzhetygarinsky quarry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The essence of the monitoring is to study the structural formation of the quarry array by spectral seismic profiling, identifying areas dangerous for landslide processes, and observing changes of the structure in time.
The method of spectral seismic profiling is optimal from the point of view of studying the adjacent rock mass array due to the high mobility of measurement production and good information content of the results obtained.
When receiving information about the increase in the disturbed zone areally and in depth, it can be assumed
that in the near future, a deformation zone may form on them, and we should take measures to prevent an emergency situation or to reduce to the minimum consequences of deformation of the ledges as well as the side as a whole. Reducing the risk of accidents during mining operations remains relevant throughout the entire period of field operation, therefore, geomechanical monitoring, which allows them to be predicted, will never lose relevance.
Knowing the area of distribution of the disturbed array, it is possible to learn with a sufficient degree of confidence about the possible coverage of the number of ledges at the beginning of deformation and timely change the traffic pattern, transfer communications, etc.
The example of the Dzhetygarinsky quarry given in the article clearly shows the possibility of predicting the development of deformation processes using geophysical method, and taking measures to strengthen the instrument array in hazardous areas by draining them and priming them with an internal dump, as it was done at the mentioned facility. The geomechanical model of the quarry constructed using geophysical methods allows more detailed monitoring of the state of disturbed areas,
with minimal observations of a stable array.
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