building, deformations, old mine, construction, stress, concrete strength, failure, subsidence, GPR sounding, caviAbstract
The object of the study is the soils under a three-storey building, which is built on a part-time territory. There is a
gold ore dyke on the land plot, which was developed underground in the nineteenth century. Before the construction of
the building in 2011, special soil studies were carried out, which made it possible to establish that the construction of
the land plot is safe. Nevertheless, the constructed building is constantly deformed. Cracks open up to several millimeters in the walls.
The purpose of the work is to establish the causes of deformations and assess the safety of the operation of a social
object in the zone of influence of old shallow underground mine workings.
Research methods: analysis of archival mining and geological materials, geophysical studies of the structure of the
rock mass, determination of stresses in the foundation slab by the method of slot unloading, determination of the
strength of concrete at eleven points of the foundation slab using a Schmidt hammer RGK SK-60 sclerometer, geodetic
observations of foundation sediments using grade III leveling, visual inspection of structural damage and the surrounding area.
Conclusions are drawn about the absence of the danger of destruction of the object and about the weak influence of old
mine workings on the stability of the structure. It is established that the appearance and development of deformations
are mainly influenced by the features of the structure and soils. The nature and distribution of cracks in the building is
more like a shrinkage process, and the discrepancy between the floors raises questions about the quality of construction.
Based on a set of studies, it was established that the object is in a limited operational state. There are no conditions for a
sudden transition of the building to an emergency state.
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