geomechanics, rock pressure, state of stress, rock bursts, prediction, methods, control, 3D modelingAbstract
The development of mineral deposits and underground construction in difficult mining and geological conditions and at great depths are accompanied by increased rock pressure.
The study of the properties and the condition of natural-technical systems requires interdisciplinary research involving the processing and joint analysis of various data, as well as dealing with instrumental observation networks, measuring systems,
etc. This requires the development of effective algorithms, technologies and high-performance computer systems to work with heterogeneous sets of scientific data, which should provide a comprehensive solution to the problems of collecting, integrating and processing large amounts of information.
This paper, in order to establish the main factors determining the manifestations of impact hazard and technogenic seismicity, gives an analysis of monitoring data of seismic and seismoacoustic events at the Kukisvumchorrskoye field (Khibinsky
massif, Murmansk region), using the developed digital model of the natural-technical system, which makes it possible to more reliably identify and interpret previously unknown or poorly studied geological structures of the mountain range, to
make a more accurate analysis of the nature of the occurrence of seismoacoustic events, to assess and predict the geomechanical state of the geomedia in advance, to identify potentially impact-prone areas.
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