robotics, automation, safety, mining production, mine, impact mechanism, hydraulic impact mechanism, simulation modelingAbstract
The paper considers the development of automation in the mining industry. This issue is especially relevant in the framework of ensuring the human safety and of improvement the productivity in mining and it exacerbates when moving to deeper horizons. An analysis of the state of this issue in world practice has shown that in many advanced countries, the introduction of robotic and autonomous equipment in the mining industry has significantly reduced the number of personnel injuries and has increased productivity. It has been established that pulse impact systems are quite widespread in the development of minerals. We study all the scope of application of impact machines. An urgent problem in the creation of hydraulic machines is the improvement of the circulation system of the working fluid. Its solution can improve the energy and dynamic parameters of such impact machines. An approach to creating working tools that can respond to changes in the workflow and the processed
environment is described. A basic structural diagram of a hydropercussion mechanism is proposed with a variable structure of impact power and a separate distribution mechanism for operation as part of a robotic complex. Further, the introduction of an additional chamber in the design scheme of the impact mechanism made it possible to reduce the pressure in the idle chamber at the end of the working cycle, increasing its pre-impact speed and, thereby, the impact energy. The scheme of operation of
the device is described and its study was carried out on a simulation model in the ITI SimX software package.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that the proposed design scheme of the hydraulic percussion mechanism allows us to change its energy and dynamic parameters at constant parameters of the energy carrier.
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