coal industry, snow cover, dust load, pollution level, Sakhalin region, stove heating, boiler heatingAbstract
The article deals the problem of snow cover pollution with dust of various origins, in particular, coal dust and dust from coal combustion in the Uglegorsk district of the Sakhalin region.
The paper considers the main elements of the coal cluster of the region, their possible negative impact on the components of the environment. It has been determined that in the Shakhtyorsk settlement, the maximum negative impact is caused by the combustion of coal for heating needs in boiler rooms/houses and house stoves, as well as an indirect impact during the transportation of coal.
Coal dust and coal combustion products, after dispersion in the atmosphere, land in winter on the surface of the snow cover, which is capable of accumulating in its composition almost all substances entering the atmosphere from various sources, which makes it a convenient indicator of pollution. The paper pays the main attention to assessing the level of dust pollution of the snow cover in the settlement when using boiler and stove types of heating.
The dust load is that we take as a controlled parameter.
Sampling was carried out during the period of active snowmelt for three years, in various places, taking into account sources of exposure, residential areas and social facilities. 5 points were selected, 4 of which are located in different areas of Shakhtyorsk, No. 5 is a control point outside the zone of anthropogenic impact. The photographs of snow cuts given in the article clearly demonstrate the accumulation of dust in the snow.
The data presented indicate a higher contribution to the pollution of the snow cover of boiler houses compared to
stove heating, which makes it necessary to develop environmental measures. The contribution to the dusting of coal transportation near the settlement at this stage cannot be assessed. Modeling of the processes of dispersion of impurities in the atmosphere is required.
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