coal seam, early degassing, geological and hydrodynamic model, mine field, gas content of the seamAbstract
During coal mining, one of the main problems of high-performance and safe development of gasbearing coal seams is the problem of maintaining a safe concentration of methane in the atmosphere of mine workings. One of the ways to improve the safety and efficiency of the rational integrated development of coal deposits is the preliminary degassing of mine fields by wells drilled from the surface. For the design of early degassing of mine fields, it is possible to use three-dimensional geological and filtration models, which make it possible to describe in detail the processes of fluid migration in the reservoir. Geological and hydrodynamic models make it possible to estimate the decrease in the gas content of coal seams during the extraction of methane from coal seams over time.
The duration of advance degassing is determined by the time it takes to reach the planned levels of residual gas content of coal seams in the mining contour before the start of their development. The key issue in improving the quality of models and increasing the efficiency of their use is the development of a methodology for constructing geological and hydrodynamic models. This paper proposes a technique for constructing geological and hydrodynamic models to control the decrease in the levels of gas content in coal seams during early degassing of mine fields by wells drilled from the surface. The analysis of the results obtained confirms the possibility of using a geological and hy-rodynamic model to analyze the state of production in terms of the gas of the design reservoir in the areas of preliminary degassing. The hydrodynamic model makes it possible to determine the rate of decrease in gas content, residual reserves of methane in coal seams, stagnant zones, and the most productive interlayers in the geological section. The use of geological and hydrodynamic models, taking into account the presented methodology, provides not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative characteristic of the object and a detailed change in its geological and field characteristics over time, which will allow additional control over the process of cleaning operations.
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