
  • Yuri G. Antipin
  • Kirill V. Baranovsky
  • Artem A. Rozhkov
  • Igor V. Nikitin
  • Yuri M. Solomein



low-grade ores, level height, production capacity, technical and economic indicators, labor productivity, costs, mining system


For the conditions of mining of powerful sloping lowgrade ore deposits, the influence of the main mining technical parameters of an underground mine, which determine the efficiency indicators of mining technology, such as level height and annual production capacity, is studied. Due to the low recoverable value of low-grade ores, the impact of the level of operating costs on the efficiency of the technology increases. To reduce the level of costs and to improve the ore extraction indicators, it is proposed to switch from the traditional singlestage mining technology for the conditions under consideration with sublevel caving to the designed rational variant of reserves mining with two-stage technology of level open stoping under the isolating level pillar at the first stage and the collapse of interchamber pillars at the second one. The economic and mathematical modeling of the technologies under consideration was carried out, technical and economic indicators depending on the
height of the level and the production capacity of the underground mine were established, varying in the intervals from 40 to 100 m and from 0.8 to 2.4 million tons per year, respectively. The indicators of ore extraction, labor productivity during preparatory and cutting opera-tions and stope excavation, and the cost of mining have been studied. It has been established that the indicators of losses (less than 20%) and dilution (less than 25%) according to the proposed technology reach the best
values relative to the traditional option at a level height of 80 m and 60 m, respectively. Labor productivity in the development system in the proposed version decreases with increasing level height, which is due to the increasing share of vertical workings, but with a level height of 80 m it exceeds this indicator for the sublevel caving system. The level open stoping system with subsequent collapse of the pillars has the lowest cost with a production capacity of 1.6 million tons per year, reducing this
figure by 1.7 times relative to the traditional technology. Thus, it was determined that the proposed version of the
development system is the most effective in comparison with the traditional technology with a level height of 80
m and an annual production capacity of the mine of 1.6 million tons.


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