strength, strain, brittleness, uniaxial compression, coal, natural rocks, fractureAbstract
The paper reports the results of the experiments on uniaxial compressing of powders produced by the fracture
of bulk samples of rock materials (clay argillite) and fossil coal. The analysis of the processes that occur in
the course of uniaxial compression of fractions of dispersed materials of different particle size is presented.
The results are interpreted as a substantiation of an experimental method of estimation of strength characteristics of dispersed materials, in particular, natural rocks and fossil coal.
In the course of the experiment, fractions of different size are separated from the dispersed rock left after the fracture of a sample. The fractions are one-by-one placed into a high-pressure chamber mounted on the press equipped by measuring devices.
The results of the measurements provide the stress-strain graphs for every fraction. We demonstrate that the difference in deformation of the powders with the granules of different size is of more explicit dependence on loading. After differentiation of the curves for fossil coal, we found that the inclination angle substantially changes at the pressure associated with the strength limit. More strong natural material like clay argillite is characterized by tangential or linear approximations of the experimental curves of the deformation differences that are applied to the final intervals. The processing of the experimental curves forms the basis for the conclusions about the strength of the tested material.
The described method is supposed to be useful for the measurement of the strength of brittle natural materials
that do not allow preparation of a sample for the tests by uniaxial compression. As a result, there appears an opportunity to reduce the duration of the preparatory stage of the experiment and to avoid the distortions of the results determined by local deviations of the structure and the chemical composition of the tested material like a rock or fossil coal.
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