
  • Liudmila S. Rybnikova
  • Petr A. Rybnikov
  • Alexander Yu. Smirnov



tailings, sludge storage, dam stability, filtration, impervious screens, monitoring


Up to 70-80% of surface pollution sources that have a negative impact on groundwater are pondtype storage tanks: sludge, tailings, and storage ponds. Sludge storage facilities are hydraulic structures, the main task of which is to settle the
suspension under the action of gravity, filtration and subsequent safe storage of the solid waste.
Regardless of the choice of a specific method for the construction of sludge storage facilities, in each of the special types of enclosing dams and foundations, solutions are provided aiming at minimizing filtration. An important influence on the filtration
regime is exerted by the spatial position of the dam in relation to the surrounding relief. The purpose of this article is to analyze the mechanisms of water filtration through the body of the sludge storage dam, the organization of anti-filtration measures in
order to reduce the spread of pollution of industrial effluents. It considers the advantages and disadvantages of impervious screens of various types,ways of organizing; features of the use of drainage systems in the base and downstream slope of the


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