quality of rock crushing, structure of the rock mass, fracturing, drilling and blasting, out-contour rock massAbstract
The article deals with the structural architecture of the rock mass, which affects the specified quality of drilling and blasting preparation of rock mass and the output of oversized material. The availability of
updated data on the fracturing of an array allows us to implement a number of promising technical solutions and identify some promising scientific directions of research.
The destruction of rocks by explosion does not yet have a strict mathematical description and this is largely due to the unpredictable structure of the massif. Therefore, studying the patterns of crack propagation to improve the two mining processes is an important and promising task of high importance.
A review of the scientific and technical literature evidentiates that the issue of examining the fracturing of the massif for the purposes of drilling and blasting operations is not sufficiently covered.
There is no strict detailing in the available publications, which makes it difficult to perceive and evaluate the results and conclusions obtained. On the other hand, the lack of information may indicate the relevance and prospects of research in this direction. Especially, if you clearly understand the ways of using this information for the design of
technological explosions.
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