destruction of rocks, transients processes, drilling and blasting operations, open-pit mining operations, parameters of drilling and blasting operations, detonation characteristics of industrial emulsion explosives, wave processes in rocksAbstract
In the direction of improving the methods of accounting for transients in drilling and blasting, the dependence of the speed of seismic vibrations on the reduced distance for the conditions of the Karagai quarry («Magnezit Combine») has been established. As a result of the analysis of long-term data of actual measurements of seismic explosions obtained by the rock destruction laboratory of the Institute of Mining at various deposits of the Urals, Siberia and neighboring countries, the average deviations of actual fluctuations from the calculated values for various coefficients of ground conditions are established and given in this paper. A nomogram has been developed and presented, which allows, at a known longitudinal wave velocity in the array and the assumed structural attenuation coefficient, to determine the permissible rate of seismic vibrations of the rock mass in the natural occurrence. The approaches for the transition to the technology of mining complex-structured reservoir deposits, providing the required lumpiness, are indicated. The results of the study of the detonation characteristics of the industrial emulsion explosives Poremit 1A and NPGM and the effect on them of the means of initiation of various manufacturers are presented. The main factors affecting the wear resistance of the supports of the ball bits are presented. The directions of development of further research of the laboratory of rock destruction according to the State task 2022 – 2024 are proposed.
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