complex development, mineral resources, technogenic formations, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, cuboid crushed stone, economic efficiencyAbstract
Complex development of mineral deposits is a priority area of mining improvement, including the maximum possible extraction of the main valuable component of the minerals, as well as the search for technical and technological solutions for the extraction of concomitant mineral raw materials. The article presents the results of laboratory studies of titanomagnetite ores and enrichment tailings, as well as of technogenic formations of the Chelyabinsk region. The paper presents results of the evaluation for a number of overburden rocks on Uralasbest enterprise (such as peridotite, diorite, gabbro and serpentinite) for compliance of their physical and mechanical properties with the requirements of regulatory documents for use in the production of crushed stone. It summarizes the information about the technogenic formations of the Urals and the possibility of their development in order to extract valuable components and produce building materials. The implementation of the proposed measures will increase the utilization of mining and processing equipment on existing production facilities, it will allow more rational use of subsoil and land and increase the volume of gross output and commodity nomenclature at existing mining enterprises without significantly expanding of their production areas, as well as reducing the areas allocated for dumps and the cost of storing rocks and maintenance dump economy, reduction of transport costs.
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