monitoring, safety, security, risk objects, security indicators, mining and industrial facilities, natural objects and technogenic formationsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to systematize the signs of
protection of mining territories as natural and man-made
objects. The relevance of this work is due to the need to
ensure the safety of economic activity in the territory of
mining operations.
In relation to the monitoring of mining systems, it is advisable to assess the security as a state of safety of any
object of a mining enterprise by a number of quantitative
characteristics and interdependent indicators, which
characterize the system resistance to negative impacts
caused by infrastructural, natural, geological, technological, economical, and financial factors, as well as occupational and industrial safety requirements.
When developing a deposit, additional factors for the
manifestation of negative occurrences are: technological
causes based on the structure of the mining complex, the
discrepancy of the accepted technological process, the parameters of the system and its elements, the intensity of mining, and the formation of man-made objects that with the actual properties of rock and massif, as well as continuously changing hydrodynamic regimes of groundwater and depression surfaces.
Systematization of various types of risks based on certain
signs and criteria will allow to combine them into more
general categories and concepts, that will take into account sources of negative phenomena, types of activities, design stages and types of objects; it can ensure identification of their characteristics at the initial stage of their formation and study, which will allow to develop a system of measures to manage them, acting on the basis of established signs of protection of mining territories as a complex of interacting natural, man-made and social objects.
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