quarry transport, excavation and transport machine, front loader, innovative machine assemblyAbstract
The paper presents study results of the layout and technical parameters of an innovative type of machines for open-pit mining – a quarry excavation and transport machine (qETM). It shows the initial requirements for the standard-sized range of qETM.
Based on calculations and modeling of the layout, we determined the parameters of the qETM-90 with a load capacity of 90 tons here. In order to ensure an acceptable payload ratio, weight distribution along the axes that provides sufficient traction and dynamic properties, and the technological efficiency of the machine, it is rational to use a combination with working equipment such as a front loader and a distributed electric accumulator power equipment.
The rational bucket capacity for a standard-sized range of the qETM with a lifting capacity from 90 to 180 tons ensures full loading of the cargo platform in 4.5 – 6 cycles. The qETM can find application in terms of less than 1.5 – 4 times metal consumption and up to 2.5 times capital intensity with limited annual production capacity and transportation range.
Additional advantages of such technology can be achieved by changing the technology and organization of excavation and loading operations and work sites, as well as the optimization of the energy sector in the area of application of qETMs. The study shows that qETM-90 has an advantage in metal consumption relative to EAC (EMT-12 + BelAZ-75583) by 2 – 4 times also with limited production capacity and transportation range, and savings in capital costs characterize it up to 2 times.
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