work order system, job card and task, procedure model of task issuing, risk of negative events, dangerous production situation, section manager, mine overseerAbstract
An important tool for organizing the work of employees of a mining enterprise is the work order system, the quality of functioning of which determines the effectiveness and efficiency of production, the level of social and industrial risk. The key element of the task system is the procedure for preparing and issuing a work order, which must include the estimation of characteristic hazardous production situations that can arise during the performance of work as well as measures that can ensure the required level of safety.
The typical for many mining enterprises model of issuing a work order, in which the section manager directly issues a production task to all shift workers, makes it extremely difficult to work out safe working methods with each employee. In this regard, a new model of issuing a work order is proposed, in which the mine overseer who gets off the shift issues an outfit to the workers of the new shift under the supervision of the head of the site (section manager),
and the mine overseer (master) of the incoming shift specializes the work order. The head of the site reserves the right to issue a work order to employees for particularly dangerous operations (work permits). Mining masters, carrying out the direct issue of the task, develop the skill of its preparation, identification of risks and hazardous production situations and constantly work out measures adequate to these risks to prevent negative events, thereby increasing the importance of the role of mining masters.
The transition to the new model for issuing work orders will allow linking of works, working out the risks on shift in more detail and measures to eliminate them, which is the basis for the formation of a reliable production process management system.
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