mountain massif, hierarchical blockiness, geodynamic movements, stresses, deformations, vertical trunks, near-barrel chambers, sinking, Yuzhnaya mine, Goroblagodatskoye iron ore depositAbstract
The relevance of the research is due to the need of identifying the main criteria for the occurrence of emergencies from the impact of current geodynamic movements on the stability of the chamber workings of the ore yard during the sinking process.
The purpose of the research is to identify the most significant factors determining stability for the subsequent development of risk reduction technologies and the reducing the severity of the consequences of emergency support violations.
The objects of the research were the chamber workings of the crushing and drainage complex on the horizon -320 m at the Yuzhnaya mine of the Goroblagodatskoye deposit, their supports and the surrounding stressed rock mass composed of fractured rocks.
Generalization and analysis of the results of full-scale instrumental measurements of reference lines were the main method research, i.e. repeated measurements of baseline lines. The results of the research showed that the cause of the violations in the support of the grinding and draining complex on the horizon -320 m at the Yuzhnaya mine of the Goroblagodatskoye deposit were deformations of the surrounding rock mass that occurred at two large-scale levels due to the man-made impact of mining operations: at bases of about 100 meters or more, there had taken place geological block movements caused by the dynamic impact of a large-scale tectonic fault, which was provoked by the release of rock from it and the injection of a grouting solution; on bases of 10 m there were marked block movements of the border zone rock mass caused by changes in its stress-strain state due to tunneling operations.
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