complex-structured deposit, coal, open pitmining, quarry model, power supply schemes, transport infrastructure, technical solutions, risk, economic efficiencyAbstract
Currently, the main trend of mining production is the complication of the development conditions and the associated mining and geological risks of developing new complex-structured deposits that are in demand for the national economy. The Odegeldey section of the AkTalsky coal deposit in the Republic of Tyva belongs to the category of deposits of complex geological and morphological structure. This article presents technical solutions to reduce technical and technological as well as mining and geological risks during the development of a complex-structured coal deposit, the implementation of which allows to reduce them to an acceptable level sufficient for consideration of investment projects for its development. Options for infrastructural support of coal mining are considered, including transport accessibility of the deposit and the problem of power supply to the enterprise and related facilities. The development parameters and economic indicators that can provide an acceptable level of production efficiency have been established. The article presents a technical and economic assessment of the prospects for the development of the Odegeldey section, the need for which is associated with a certain shortage of coal available to provide urban boiler houses and private households.
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