quarry, instrumental satellite observations, visual survey, ground laser scanning, deformations, collapse, stability of quarry walls, slope, separation of a side sectionAbstract
The paper presents the solution of the urgent problem of ensuring the stability of the side section for the functioning of the transport exit.
In 2020, a group of ledges of the southeastern side felt down at the Zapadno-Ozernoye field quarry.
The operation of the transport exit was suspended to eliminate the consequences of deformation processes. Employees of the «Uralmekhanobr» Institute conducted a survey of the state of the deformation site, carried out modeling of the studied section of the side to determine the actual coefficient of stability margin, and calculated the necessary design
profile of the side of the quarry, ensuring the longterm safety of the capital exit. Modeling has shown that the design angle does not correspond to the actual physical and mechanical characteristics of the host rocks; in addition, in the project for testing, the assessment was made according to the weighted average characteristics of the host rocks, without substantiating the stability of the upper horizons composed of weak clay rocks.
The subject of the research is the stability of the disturbed section of the southeastern side of the quarry of the Zapadno-Ozernoye field.
The purpose of the work is to establish the causes of the deformations that have occurred, to determine the conditions under which the section of the
southeastern side of the quarry will be in a stable condition, and to ensure long-term safe operation of the capital exit.
To achieve the above mentioned goals, the following tasks have been solved:
- stability assessment of the actual state of the deformation site;
- development of recommendations for further safe
mining of ore reserves below the deforming section of the quarry side.
In the course of the work, the design parameters of the sides of the Zapadno-Ozernoye field quarry were considered, the actual coefficient of stability of the deformation site was calculated, and a new contour was recommended to ensure the long-term stability of the site under consideration.
Based on the calculations, it was concluded that one of the main causes of deformation on the studied area were overestimated design angles of ledges that do not correspond to the actual physical and mechanical characteristics of the rocks composing these ledges.
The company was given recommendations for further development of the deforming area, what is possible when carrying out work on the separation,тaccording to the recommended contour.
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