
  • Maxim D. Shevchenko
  • Vitaliy V. Melnik
  • Aleksey L. Zamyatin



geophysical surveys, undermined territories, georadar sounding, spectral seismic profiling, natural and man-made disasters, geological processes, failures of the earth's surface, deformation of buildings and structures


The paper presents the experience of using modern geophysical methods to study the un-dermined area at the construction site of a mineshaft. The relevance of these investigations is due to the wide prevalence of natural and man-made accidents associated with the viola-tion of the rock mass during the construction and operation of mine workings. The purpose of the work was to study geophysical researches related to the obtaining of information about the structure composition of rock mass in order to determine the causes of destruction of the earth's surface in the building area of a mine construction.
The object of research is the rock mass lying at the base of capital construction objects located on the surface enclosing mine workings.
The main task to be solved is to determine the areas of structural disturbance of the rock mass in the studied area, to determine the causes of the development of hazard situations in order to make decisions on stabilizing the situation.
When investigating the rock mass the GPR method is used, based on the study of electro-magnetic wave impulses and registration of sig-nals reflected from various objects of the probed environment, as well as the spectral seismic pro-filing method, based on the use of the relation-ship between the spectral composition of the oscillatory process that occurs during impact on the exposed surface of the array, and the structural composition of this array.
According to the results of the presented studies, we revealed the causes for the occurrence of the sinkhole of the earth's surface and the features of the whole structure of the territory. It has been established that, because of the man-made impact (construction of a mine shaft) on the rock mass, changes occurred in the geological environment, which led to the occurrence of a failure on the earth's surface.
The integration of the presented methods of geophysical research showed high efficiency in solving the problem; the reliability of the infor-mation obtained is confirmed by the results of drilling and tunneling operations performed at this site.


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