
  • Azamat A. Arslanov
  • Anna M. Belskikh
  • Nikolay V. Makarov
  • Vladimir N. Makarov



classification, utilization, heterocoagulation, Reynold and Euler hydro-vortex criteria, fine-dispersed TMW, fine-dispersed technogenic waste, mineral formations


3.5 billion tons of technogenic mineral waste (TMW) are generated annually in Russia, and more than 80 billion tons of waste have been accumulated to date. The share of TMW of metallurgical companies accounts for from 1 to 2 billion tons. In addition, rare earth and non-ferrous metals, alumina and iron oxides are among the TMW. For example, there are more than 9 billion tons of TMW in the Ural region alone, and the share of recycling is only 30 percent. In the modern world, micro- and nanoparticles are actively used in various fields: from medicine to rocket science. The effectiveness of the processing of TMW is determined by the rigid parameters of the granulometric characteristics of the resulting product. Currently produced classifiers of fine-dispersed TMW are characterized by the complexity of manufacturing, calibration and ensuring the stability of the technological process. This article proposes a design and methodology for calculating an effective TMW classifier using the principle of hydro-vortex separation of particles with different diameters. The design of the proposed classifier and the principle of its operation are based on the nature-like phenomenon of the formation of a vortex bundle in the process of swirling moist air and natural dust into a tornado, that is, on the principle of "Tornado". Based on the conducted experimental studies, it was found that the range of the smallest diameters of the absorbed microparticles in cases of their rotation around their own axis depends solely on the angular velocity of rotation of the liquid droplets with which they collide. Using the Euler equation and the model of vortex rotational motion of liquid droplets, equations were obtained for calculating the geometric parameters of the classifier, which provides effective separation of microparticles of fine-dispersed TMW by fractions with a given dispersion. Based on the results of the conducted mathematical modeling and experimental studies, a pilot industrial sample of an effective hydro-vortex classifier GKV-400 was manufactured and tested.


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