
  • Aleksandra E. Kopylova
  • Konstantin V. Prokhorov



tailings processing, processing of technogenic deposits, gold extraction, ultrasonic treatment, electrochemical treatment, electroflotation, catholyte, combined flotation


The issues of intensification and of increasing the efficiency of technologies for processing technogenic mineral raw materials remain topical. One of the possible ways to improve the existing methods of tailings processing is directed creation of gold-enriched areas, with their subsequent processing by leaching methods. Preliminary concentration of the technogenic geomaterial is possible due to electrochemical and energetic impacts on the discharge pulps. Final extraction of valuable components from the enriched zones of tailings can be carried out by leaching methods on smaller volumes of material. The paper is devoted to the investigated possibility of processing flotation tailings of gold-silver ore of Kirankan deposit. There were studied methods of processes intensification for flotation enrichment of gold-containing flotation tailings by means of treatment of the material by ultrasound impact, preliminary electrochemical treatment of solutions for pulp preparation, and their joint use. Application of catholyte and anolyte considerably increases the rates of extraction of gold and silver in the concentrates – by 14.2 and 10.5 % respectively. The combination of ultrasonic and electrochemical influences on the flotation pulp significantly increases the efficiency of processing. According to the results of chemical analysis, ultrasonic treatment increases the extraction of gold by 25.3% and silver by 16.8% as compared with the standard flotation. Application of ultrasonic influences on the pulp allows dispersing dissolved hydrogen to the level of micro-bubbles with high specific energy of water films surrounding them. The obtained results substantiate and experimentally confirm the feasibility of using combined pneumatic and electric flotation in combination with ultrasonic treatment of pulp during the processing of flotation tailings of gold-quartz ore.


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