
  • Anna M. Belskikh
  • Azamat A. Arslanov
  • Nikolay V. Makarov
  • Vladimir N. Makarov



heat exchangers, finned pipes, fans, Archimedes spiral, heat transfer, Tornado effect, gas, spiral turbulator


Currently used air cooling devices are characterized by insufficient economic efficiency, largely due to the low coefficient of heat transfer. The article suggests a way to increase their efficiency with the help of a stable system of vortices that create a "Tornado" effect that forms the process of thermal vortex heat exchange. Mathematical modeling of thermal vortex heat transfer corresponds to the external problem of transverse flow around a bundle of finned pipes and is based on the hypothesis of a decrease in the temperature of the cooling air due to the circulation of the flow in a spiral vortex turbulator. A thermal vortex decrease in the temperature of the cooling air leads to the increase in the temperature difference between the cooled gas, the pipe walls and the cooling air and the effective value of the Reynolds criterion , due to the "Tornado" effect, and as a result of an increase in the criterion of its thermophysical similarity. Using of the Stokes theorem and the Helmholtz’ one, the Klayperon and Bernoulli equations, the similarity theory and the hypothesis of the dominant influence of the velocity of the circulation flow in a spiral vortex turbulator on a decrease in the temperature of the cooling air, a mathematical model of thermal vortex heat exchange in air cooling devices is obtained. Spiral vortex turbulator allows increasing the heat transfer coefficient to the value α=108 W/m2K


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