
  • Gleb A. Shcheglov



quarry waters, inorganic nitrogen compounds, ammonium nitrate, pollutants, purification, constructed wetland, microalgae, biotechnologies


Wastewater contamination by inorganic nitrogen compounds is a serious problem in mining, various industries and utilities. Nitrogen enters quarry wastewater after blasting using ammonium nitrate as the explosive. Water purification from nitrogen is possible by biological methods, but their application in the northern regions of Russia is difficult due to climatic factors. Nitrogen pollution of water leads to disruption of ecosystems and human diseases. In addition, enterprises pay fines for exceeding the maximum permissible values, which worsens the economic performance of the enterprises. Therefore, the development of wastewater treatment technologies for nitrogen compounds is an urgent task. The aim of this research is to study the ability of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris to absorb and utilize inorganic nitrogen compounds in mining wastewater under different conditions, using the examples of wastewater from the pit and tailings pond of Karelsky Okatysh enterprise (Kostomuksha, Republic of Karelia). The novelty of the research lies in the study of the results of parallel experiments under different conditions on the cultivation of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris to reduce the concentration of ammonium in the wastewater of enterprises of the mining industrial complex. The object of the study is ammonium in water samples. We measured the concentration of ammonium, as well as the concentration of biomass of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. The study recorded a decrease in the ammonium form of nitrogen in water when Chlorella vulgaris cultured at a temperature of 26⁰C, with aeration and artificial light. These results indicate the promising development of biotechnology for wastewater treatment of ammonium in bioreactors.


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