
  • Sergey V. Kornilkov
  • Roman S. Titov



optimization, ore preparation, boulting/screening and reloading point, screening efficiency, screening parameters, material size, desirability function


The mining and geological features of a number of deposits lead to the fact that during the development of the massif under the influence of drilling and blasting, the degree of crushing of the mineral depends on the content of useful components in it, and size classes differentiate the chemical composition of the ore. The established relationship between the quality of the ore mass and its size can be used to improve the efficiency of ore preparation technology due to the use of bouting and reloading points (BRP) in quarries. The implementation of the ore preparation technology based on the BRP will reduce the cost of enrichment and transportation of ore mass by allocating its substandard part directly in the quarry and by excluding it from the transport flow, where the effective functioning of the BRP is possible by optimizing some parameters of both the mining equipment servicing the BRP and the boult itself. To determine the main parameters of BRP, the characteristics of the initial movement of the rock mass along the inclined surface of the boult are established, such as the performance of uploading the vehicle on the surface, the initial thickness of the feed layer and the speed of movement of the rock mass along the slope of the boult. Based on the presented algorithm, the main characteristics of the boulting process are calculated: the size of material flow layer in the i-th section of the boult; the speed of movement of the bulk mass through the screen; the average size of the piece of the mineral and the output of the material into the sublattice product. The parameters of the screening process were determined on the basis of a given relative content of the coarseness class of the material supplied to the surface of the screen, provided its equal distribution within the class. Optimized parameters of the BRP: the angle of inclination of the screen and the linear dimensions of the unloading platform, depending on the dimensions of the dump truck. The optimal parameters of the BRP were determined by constructing a generalized desirability function for two optimized criteria: the yield of the material into the sublattice product and the consumption of the sublattice product through the screen. Based on the calculation results, optimization graphs of the dependence of the optimization function on the angle of inclination of the screen surface and the load capacity of the dump truck unloaded on the screen are constructed. The optimal angle of inclination for the screen of the BRP is 40о-42о and does not depend on the granulometric composition of the feedstock supplied for screening.


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