
  • Lidia E. Orolbaeva



groundwater flow, synergetic, geohydrosynergetic of hazardous natural processes, geohydrosynergetic zoning


The complex orography of the Tien-Shan territory and geo-dynamically unstable environment determine the formation of such natural processes as landslides, earthquakes, mudflows and floods. Mine dumps and tailings of enterprises placed in the river floodplains susceptible to landslides and mudflows contribute to ecological vulnerability of the territories. These issues require revealing the factors of occurrence and conditions of the formation of these processes, to identify the patterns of their manifestation and interrelation, as well as studying the nature of trigger mechanisms resulting in the development of synergetic effects.  

The article considers natural conditions and factors of formation of dangerous natural processes and phenomena of the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alay, characterizes natural and technogenic factors. It analyzes and typifies geological risks with a synergetic effect, which are manifested with the greatest frequency in the basins of mountain rivers. We describe the formation of mudflows with the manifestation of a synergetic effect and the formation of a cascade of dangerous processes. We describe geohydrosynergetic effects in the formation of dangerous natural processes and phenomena of the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai. As examples of the formation of hazardous processes, there are considered: the Osh-Krasuy Oasis, the basins of the Ala-Archa and Mailuu-Suu rivers with natural conditions typical for most mountain river basins, the activity of hazardous natural processes, and the Mailuu-Suu river basin with the imposition of technological factors – the presence of radioactive waste and tailings dumps. For the basin of the Ala-Archa river, the manifestation of the synergetic effect and the formation of a cascade of dangerous processes under various triggering events are considered. To substantiate the forecast of the manifestation of synergetic effects in the formation of geological risks in mountain river basins, it is necessary to assess the existing relationship between dangerous natural and man-made processes, to determine the likely triggering mechanisms, their nature and the probability of triggering in space and time. The fundamentals and methodology of geohydrosynergetics as the scientific direction focused on the study of the manifestation of synergetic effects associated with the change of groundwater and surface waters are considered. The map of geohydrosinergetic zoning of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is given.


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