
  • Marina V. Rylnikova
  • Elena E. Shvabenland
  • Dmitry N. Oleinik



natural deposit, deposit development, rational use and protection of subsoil, environmentally balanced mining technologies, reserves development, feasibility study, reserves calculation, technogenic formation, tailings, mining, processing


Existing technologies for the development of solid minerals deposits make it possible to use only a small  part (5 - 25%) of the valuable mineral mass extracted from the bowels of the earth, and the remaining part forms waste from the mining complex, which, as it accumulates in technogenic formations and is stored, mainly on the earth's surface, becomes one of powerful factors of anthropogenic changes in the environment, occupying vast territories.

Of the total amount of industrial waste generated annually in Russia in the amount of about 7 billion tons (data from various sources vary), the mining and metallurgical complex accounts for more than 90%.

At the same time, almost all accumulated waste from mining and metallurgical production carries a significant resource value. Thus, the average content of valuable components in previously formed ore processing waste storage facilities (tailing dumps) is in some cases higher than their industrial content in ores currently involved in development. For example, in the South Urals, in the old tailings of gold mining, the average gold content in ores is about 0.5-0.8 g/t, while ores with a precious metal content of 0.35 g/t and lower are mined in the region.

However, the relevance of involving technogenic formations into operation is associated not so much with the development of precious metal reserves, but with their environmental hazard. At the same time, world practice testifies to the real possibility of obtaining high-quality products from mineral waste of past years with the subsequent disposal of the remaining part, which has a lower hazard class.

At present, for the first time in Russia, a regulatory and legal framework has been created for the industrial use of technogenic mining waste (overburden and host rocks, substandard minerals) and enrichment.

To ensure an integrated approach to the rational use and protection of subsoil, it is necessary at the stage of a feasibility study and calculation of reserves to make decisions aimed not only at the effective development of a natural deposit, but also at an environmentally balanced use of industrial waste from mining and enrichment.



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