
  • Albert V. Zubkov



climate, geomechanics, rock mass, lithosphere, global catastrophes and life on Earth, climatic and geomechanical forecasts for tens of millions of years


The study of climatic and geomechanical problems on Earth, occurring in the lithosphere, makes it possible to study changes in the cosmic nature, i.e. the physical state of space. Humanity has the opportunity to do this not only through contemplation with the help of observation tools, but also “to touch it with hands”, conducting numerous experiments on earth and in the subsoil, taking into account the fact that the change in the physical state of space is closely related to the deformation of the Earth, i.e. deformation of a rock mass in the lithosphere, which we learned to fix by filtering out numerous errors at measuring instruments. This is justified in the cycle of works conducted and published in the 21st century, in them it is shown that not only an array of rocks is cyclically deformed, but everything is deformed at the macro and micro levels: elementary particles, materials, metals, liquids and, in general, planets and stars.

Combining the knowledge of astrophysicists, earth physicists, geomechanics, planetary scientists, climatologists and specialists in other sciences made it possible to construct a hypothesis about the life of the Earth and the Universe, tracing the change in the climatic and geomechanical situation over 700 million years, which is accompanied by complete or partial extinction of the fauna: 2 periods of 240-250 million years with an average temperature t=+(1÷12)°C and 3 periods of 75 million years at t=-(1÷8)°C, the last of which began 2 million years ago, it continues now, but every 100-150 thousand years there are periods of 10-20 thousand years t=±(1÷2)°C. This has been happening for the last 14 thousand years, but the consequence of the temperature deviations observed during this period is the Little Ice Ages, volcanic activity with droughts, which led to the death of millions of people. The emerging geomechanical hazard during these periods causes the death of thousands of people. Our highly developed brothers in mind from other areas of space are restoring the fauna on Earth.


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2023-12-29 — Updated on 2024-01-12

