mining, efficiency, safety, geotechnology, geoinformatics, geomechanicsAbstract
The article is describes the results of fundamental scientific research of the Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, carried out within the framework of the state assignment in the field of Earth Sciences based on the principles of consistency, complexity, interdisciplinarity, and innovation orientation – in order to ensure economic efficiency, industrial and environmental safety of subsoil development.
The system of requirements (restrictions) imposed by the state, the market and the owners of mining enterprises in the development of solid mineral deposits is defined in this paper. The difficulty lies in the fact that the subsoil user needs to solve the problem of simultaneously ensuring industrial safety, close to absolute, and the best economic efficiency. The method of solving these two contradictory problems with multidirectional criteria can be the optimization of their parameters based on the justification of a certain global criterion for making a compromise decision.
For each of the research areas – "Geotechnology", "Geoinformatics", "Geomechanics" – the results are shown, representing a complex of social-and-economic, technical, technological, organizational and managerial decisions.
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