mining enterprise, injury reduction, safety, organizational tools, production risks, safe behavior, risk-oriented approach, risk-oriented thinkingAbstract
The article presents the results of the work of the SUEK-Khakassia company on one of the most important directions of the innovative development strategy of the regional production association – to achieve a level of occupational safety that ensures reliable operation of the company with specified production efficiency parameters.
The organizational instruments (tools, methods, solutions, methods) used in the industrial safety system – both generally accepted and new ones – have been generalized. Criteria and indicators are proposed for all security tools used to assess their effectiveness: to understand how well these tools have been mastered and to increase the effectiveness of their use.
The calculation of the values of the efficiency indicator of each organizational method used in the industrial safety system has shown that today the most effective is precisely the work with the identification and elimination of conditions that provoke personnel to deliberate violations (that is, dangerous industrial situations). The inclusion of the tool "Identification and elimination of hazardous production situations" in the occupational safety management system at the enterprises of SUEK-Khakassia LLC made it possible to improve the quality of planning for safe working conditions, which contributed to a reduction in hazardous production situations from 10 to 30% per year at each production unit of the association.
The development of other tools in the industrial safety system was required to reduce the number of erroneous decisions and dangerous actions taken by employees in specific situations. The work related to the formation of safe behavior of personnel was carried out through analytical and modeling seminars with workers, mining foremen, deputy site managers and site managers of the company. Among the staff of one of the enterprises of SUEK-Khakassia LLC, who were trained in the period from 2016 to 2018, the number of violators of security requirements decreased by an average of 1.9 times, which confirmed the effectiveness of mastering this organizational tool.
The development of organizational methods and means in the system of ensuring industrial safety and purposeful work on the formation of safe behavior of employees has shown its expediency and will be continued on an ongoing basis.
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