
  • Igor L. Kravchuk Igor L.


mining enterprise, efficiency, safety, industrial conflict, danger, dangerous production situation, mode of operation, occurrence of a negative event, manifestations of the human factor, risk management


The article substantiates a conceptual approach to ensuring the efficiency and safety of production of a mining enterprise in conditions when the competition of enterprises is aggravated by numerous sanctions. In these conditions, maintaining a given level of profitability and increasing it requires a significant increase in the productivity of its resources, which is naturally accompanied by an aggravation of the production conflict between the tasks of ensuring the efficiency and ensuring the safety of mining production.

The production conflict manifests itself, among other things, in a significant number of deviations of the production process from a given level of efficiency and safety requirements. That is, the company operates in an abnormal mode, in order to provide the volume of mineral extraction required by the market. The combination of these deviations leads to a dangerous production situation.

The paper considers the causes of hazardous production situations in the regular and non-regular operation of the enterprise. On this basis, we determine methodological principles of risk management: production conditions are always dynamic, always deviate from the set values (from the normal mode); the production situation is an object of control in risk management; a dangerous production situation shows the dual nature of risk – it reveals both benefits and losses; each employee of a mining company is a risk manager at his workplace.

The proposed conceptual approach to ensuring production safety is just beginning to be mastered by mining enterprises, for example, at the coal mining enterprises of the SUEK company. Moreover, there are no fundamental differences in the implementation of the conceptual approach at mining enterprises of different industry affiliation. It can already be argued that its implementation will improve the adequacy of the company's systems' response to the changes and the accuracy of management decisions, contributing to ensuring the efficient and safe operation of mining enterprises, which is especially important in the context of sanctions and during the need to achieve technological stability.


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