
  • Alexey V. Galkin


conscious violations of safety requirements, negative event, risk-oriented approach, pattern of occurrence of negative events, dangerous industrial situation, risk, methodology for reducing the likelihood of a negative event, occupational safety


The article reflects the main results of a targeted training of personnel of coal mining enterprises of the regional production association JSC SUEK-Kuzbass, part of the Siberian Coal Energy Company, aimed at the formation of risk-oriented thinking. It also describes the main elements of the methodology of this training, theoretical and practical tasks solved by staff in the learning process, and the main patterns of the occurrence of negative events.

Such a scientific and practical base allows for a relatively short period of training to give a comprehensive idea to employees of coal mining and service enterprises about what non-obvious combinations of factors, conditions and circumstances are highly likely to lead to negative consequences. At the same time, the course of classes also contains simple algorithms of actions that, even in dangerous industrial situations, allow you to influence the production risk.

An important element of training is a thorough analysis of the circumstances under which negative events with severe and fatal outcomes occurred. For this purpose, the results and conclusions based on official investigations of these events and photo and video materials of the events are used. The essence of the analysis is to show clearly how unrelated, at first glance, deviations from norms, rules and regulations in combination lead to a significant increase in the probability of a negative event. Such analysis significantly increases the degree of immersion of each participant in the process of mastering the skill of recognizing critical combinations, which, in turn, is the basis for the formation of safe behavior when performing a production task.

In the final part, an example of feedback from the participants of the training is given, confirming the high relevance of such trainings for both workers and managers of coal mining enterprises.


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