
  • Anton V. Smolin


production safety system, design, production conflict, production risk, violations of safety requirements, dangerous production situation, manageability of production risk


The article presents the main provisions of the developed methodology for designing a production safety system according to the criterion of manageability of production risk. The need to design such systems is due to the existing industrial conflict between efficiency and safety of production at coal mining enterprises. The manifestation of an industrial conflict is deliberate violations of safety requirements and concealment of information about the real situation in the workplace, while reducing the manageability of production risk, which is ensured by compliance with all safety rules and requirements. It is possible to increase manageability by calculating the resource and the functional capabilities of the system and its corresponding design at three levels of management – strategic, situational and operational. At each management level, we define measures to manage the production conditions and the personnel of the enterprise, and we define priority areas of management.

The production safety system is being designed in accordance with the level, structure and dynamics of production risk at the enterprise. The main purpose of the design – mitigation of industrial conflict – is achieved by step-by-step solution of the main tasks of industrial risk management based on the control of hazardous production situations. In the article, we consider manageability as one of the most important properties of the production safety system and the object of management – production risk, describing the ability to transfer the system from one state to another.

The design of the safety system should take into account subjectivity from the point of view of ensuring occupational safety, manifested in the adequacy of personnel actions when performing production tasks, especially in emergency situations.


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