
  • Oleg I. Cherskikh


coal mine, difficult conditions, hydrogeological, hydrological and geomechanical support, risk of injury, safety, efficiency, quality of labor processes, monitoring


At the Solntsevo coal mine, the main tasks of ensuring the efficiency and safety of production are to minimize the risks of landslide phenomena and to increase the level of hydrogeological, hydrological and geomechanical support.  During 2020 – 2023, a set of measures was carried out to study the hydrogeological parameters of the section and dumps array, followed by the design of dewatering and drainage systems in order to ensure the stability of the sides and slopes.

To reduce the risks of injury of  personnel and increase production efficiency in these conditions, a system of continuous improvement of the quality of labor processes is being formed at the section, which allows identifying bottlenecks, developing and implementing measures to eliminate them. Thus, the company has assessed the quality of production processes for each production site, identified growth zones and developed measures to bring quality to an acceptable level. Improving the quality of production processes, as shown by the results of activities, is naturally accompanied by a reduction in risks and an increase in production efficiency.

Mining operations in such difficult conditions of the coal mine are carried out based on continuous monitoring of the processes and condition of the mountain range. For this purpose, our own process monitoring and management system, OES (Operational excellence solutions), has been created, which allows us to control the parameters of the excavator-automotive complex and the condition of highways, as well as the IBIS-FM and IBIS-ArcSAR interferometric georadars have been purchased and put into operation.

The main results of the work on improving the safety and efficiency of production were the formation of a culture of responding to deviations from the norms of processes and their prevention; the development of measures to prevent the occurrence of losses in the future. The development and implementation of a program of measures to ensure production safety and efficiency based on operational improvements of the main processes allows the coal mine to develop steadily in difficult mining, geological, hydro-geological, hydrological and geomechanical conditions.


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