coal mine, difficult conditions, risk management, risk of injury, safety, efficiency improvement, continuous improvement of the quality of labor processes, human factorAbstract
To manage risks in a dynamic external and internal environment that affects the social and economic efficiency of a coal mining enterprise, it is necessary to manage the risks of labor processes. For this, the enterprises of the Vostochnaya Mining Company develop a risk management system that allows to purposefully increase the level of production safety and labor protection by identifying and eliminating the prerequisites for the formation of hazardous production situations that pose a significant threat to the company's activities and its employees. Risk management is carried out by creating safety contours.
The article describes the experience of forming technical and organizational contours for reducing the risk of negative events at the enterprises of the Vostochnaya Mining Company. Each circuit includes a set of measures that help to eliminate the influence of the human factor. The technical contour is represented by automatic breathalysing systems: automated pre-shift medical control; pre-shift testing of knowledge on labor protection; light fencing. The organizational contour is a method of improving the quality of labor processes, taking into account the identification of real dangerous industrial situations, as well as the organization of training, internships, mentoring, and staff training on dynamic simulators.
The safety circuits and the measures that ensure their operation are a combination of technical means and organizational methods that ensure the functioning of the risk reduction mechanism of the Vostochnaya Mining Company. Reducing the risk of negative events, along with improving the quality of work processes, ensuring a high rate of increase in production, the introduction of new technologies in production processes and the commissioning of high-capacity equipment are the company's priorities in achieving the required level of efficiency and safety of production in a dynamic environment.
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