efficiency, personnel, human capital, economy, labor market, labor activity, labor process, labor productivity, mining enterpriseAbstract
The paper considers the current problems of human capital development at mining enterprises. The content of the concept of "human capital" in the economy of a mining enterprise is revealed as personal properties, human abilities, the implementation of which in work provides both economic benefits to the enterprise and to the employee. The results of the study of the influence of the level of human capital development on the indicators of reproduction and rising efficiency on the example of mining enterprises of the Russian Federation are presented. It has been established that the development of human capital allows for a threefold increase in labor productivity and a multiple increase in the innovative effectiveness of personnel. Several problems of human capital development in the economy of mining enterprises of the Russian Federation at the present stage of their functioning are formulated, reflecting the nature of economic relations, directions and dynamics of human capital development, its volume and quality. The directions and methods of human capital development of a mining enterprise are systematized, including the formation of representations and models of personnel activities, the development of mechanisms for commercialization of implemented innovative and rationalization proposals of personnel, the transformation of the personnel evaluation and remuneration system, the development of an effective personnel reserve of managers, the formation and development of a labor rationing system at all levels of enterprise management, the development of design methods for transforming the structure and the results of the staff's activities. It is concluded that there are significant opportunities to increase labor productivity in the mining industry based on the development of human capital, amounting to at least 2-3 times the achieved level.
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