operation system, work organization subsystem, repair service subsystem, mining enterprise, mining equipment, development, decomposition, purpose of the enterpriseAbstract
The mining equipment operation system is one of the key systems of a mining enterprise designed to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of a complex of technological mining equipment in the processes of mining, transportation, enrichment, and storage of minerals. Due to the intensification of crisis phenomena in the global economy, the requirements for the efficiency of mining production are naturally increasing, which forces enterprises to continuously develop this system. The efficiency of the mining equipment operation system is due to the result of the functioning of its two main subsystems: the organization of mining equipment operation and its repair service. Despite the significant transformations of mining production in the operation system of mining equipment, the dominance of the subsystem of work organization of mining equipment over the subsystem of its repair service remains, which leads to their inefficient interaction [1]. For the full realization of the purpose of the mining equipment operation system, it is necessary to implement a balanced development of its subsystems.
This article presents a study of the main trends in the development of mining equipment operation system at domestic mining enterprises from 1980 to the present. It is revealed how, depending on the stages of development of the country's economy, the content of the goals of mining enterprises, the required results of the mining equipment operation system, as well as the proportion of functions of its subsystems, the results of which correspond to these goals, changed. It is proved that the changes implemented at the mining enterprises of the country in the operation system of mining equipment do not lead to the compliance achievement of this system’s structure with the goals of the enterprise, as a result of which the effectiveness of subsystems interaction in the organization of work and repair maintenance of equipment is significantly reduced. It is proposed to decompose the purpose of the enterprise into tasks of subsystems and job responsibilities of personnel, in order to improve the interaction of subsystems for the organization of work and repair maintenance of mining equipment.
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