
  • Yuri A. Kilin Yuri A.
  • Oksana A. Lapaeva
  • Natalia V. Yablonskikh


production activity, environmental challenges, adaptation, regulators of production activity, coal mining enterprise


The article considers the types of sanctions pressure on coal mining enterprises as challenges of the external environment. The content of the adaptation of the company's production activities to the challenges of sanctions pressure as a process of changing its properties and characteristics is revealed, which leads to the possibility of solving previously unsolvable tasks and thereby increasing resistance to environmental influences. As one of the adaptation tools, it is proposed to use regulators (institutions) of industrial activity and a methodological approach to assessing their effectiveness. The purpose of regulators is to reduce uncertainty in production activities through its structuring, increase the predictability of human behavior and reduce the costs associated with their interaction. The typification of formal and informal regulators of industrial activity and examples of the assessment by employees of an enterprise of the strength of their influence and focus on the results of activities are presented in the paper.  Among the formal regulators, according to employees, the most problematic is the wage system, which is a source of open and latent labor conflicts and one of the strongest demotivating factors. Informal regulators have now often become more influential in production activities than formal ones, since formal ones are practically not adapted to changes in the production and labor activities of the enterprise. There is a predominantly negative orientation of the influence of informal regulators. The paper proposes to manage the adaptation of production activities to the challenges of sanctions pressure by bringing its regulators in line with changes in the external environment and projected sanctions challenges, forming a harmonious institutional environment based on a balance of interests and responsibilities of the employer and employees.


Трудовой Кодекс РФ. Ст. 209. URL: /17706/page/19 (дата обращения 20.03.2024)

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