
  • Stepan V. Dikiy


occupational risk, industrial risk, violations of safety requirements, injury dynamics, order system, industrial safety (IS) and occupational safety (OS) policy, risk-oriented approach, behavioral safety audit


The paper examines the main stages of the development of the injury risk management system for 2009-2023 in the regional production association of JSC SUEK-Kuzbass. In accordance with the company's current Policy on Industrial Safety and Labor Protection, organizational and behavioral methods are considered as the main elements of the development of an injury risk management system. This is primarily the use of special terminals for pre-shift testing, which allow assessing the competence of employees of enterprises, and thematic trainings aimed at forming safe behavior based on a risk-based approach.

The system transformations mentioned above are based on the results of the investigation of resonant negative events that occurred at the Kuzbass coal mining enterprises, including at the enterprises of JSC SUEK-Kuzbass, which pointed to significant defects in the industrial safety and labor protection management system. Based on this, priorities were set for the improvement of this system.

Improving the competence of employees at all levels of production management from the worker to the director in terms of forecasting, identifying, and eliminating hazardous production situations has become a priority area for the development of the industrial safety and labor protection management system. The article presents and substantiates the relationship between the level of personnel competence and the level of occupational injuries. The basic principles of the formation of conscious safe behavior of personnel when performing a production task are also outlined, even in the presence of dangerous production situations that provoke deviations from safety requirements.

As another important organizational element of ensuring the safety of coal mining, the article considers the development of such an instrument as a smart system.


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