
  • Sergey V. Sentyabov
  • Evgeniy M. Ushakov


slot unloading method, stress-strain state, observation station, stability, time-varying stresses, rock mass, physical and mechanical properties


An assessment of the stress state of structural elements of chamber mining systems with the collapse of hard ores is to be made when solving geomechanical problems based on the identified discrepancy between the parameters of the strength properties of rocks, determined by existing methods, and their values in natural conditions. The difference between the obtained values of these parameters can reach 1,8 times.

In the process of research, the parameters of the natural stress-strain state (SSS) of the rock mass were determined based on field studies carried out under the conditions of intensive underground development of the Kyzyl-Tashtyg deposit.

Research is aimed at reducing and predicting the risk of geodynamic phenomena during mining operations. This task is not feasible without monitoring the stressed state of the deposit and providing information to subsoil users during the geological study and development of a mineral deposit. The studies were carried out using generally accepted methods and equipment, in accordance with the requirements of the instructional documents.

Thus, the calculated geomechanical forecast and determination of the initial stress state in mines remain very relevant to this day.


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