
  • Alexander Yu. Smirnov


Sokolovo-Sarbayskoye mining field, Earth remote sensing, digital elevation models, geoinformatics, kriging, variogram analysis


At the present stage of development of mining, digital technologies are widely used in the development of deposits. For the purposes of forecasting and analyzing the hydrogeological regime of deposits, numerical geofiltration models are used. In turn, digital elevation models (DEMs) are widely used in geofiltration models. The need to quickly prepare a DEM of sufficient accuracy and quality for a given purpose is one of the important problems of geographic information modeling.

The Sokolovskoye iron ore deposit as the object of the study is the territory of the mine field of the Sokolovskaya mine and the tailings dump. This territory is characterized by complex mining and geological conditions, the development of collapse craters. Monitoring the dynamics of the development of collapse craters is an important issue of work safety. In turn, updating the digital terrain model due to dynamic changes in the microrelief is an important geoinformation problem.

This article discusses the issue of choosing the optimal data source based on the results of Earth remote sensing (ERS) and determining the methodology for additional processing of such data. A method for assessing the initial data, adjusting them and increasing the accuracy of the resulting digital relief models has been developed It is noted that the use of interpolation by the kriging method makes it possible to correctly combine data of heterogeneous quantity and quality. At the same time, the most important stage of this technique is variogram analysis, selection of a statistical function describing the distribution pattern of the interpolated parameter.


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