mining complex, land resources, negative impact on land resources, environmental activities, ecological and economic indicators, sustainable development, land reclamationAbstract
The article considers the issues of diagnostics of the state and exploitation of land resources, as well as the effectiveness of environmental protection measures as one of the most important criteria for assessing the state of the environment in urbanized territories with a developed mining complex. In modern conditions, when collecting and analyzing statistical data in relation to land resources, there are a number of generally accepted statistical indicators of both natural and cost (areas of disturbed and degraded lands, chemical pollution, investments in land protection and restoration). Тtraditional economic indicators often do not reflect the environmental component and their growth may not lead to the desired reduction of negative impact. Therefore, there is an urgent need for environmentally oriented adjustment and refinement of statistical traditional economic indicators, taking into account the intensity of the negative impact and land protection. Therefore, today the issues of developing comprehensive environmental and economic indicators that allow taking into account the environmental factor in the system of economic indicators are extremely relevant.
The paper proposes a methodological approach to assessing the level of intensity of negative impact and the efficiency of environmental activities on the basis of integrated environmental and economic indicators in relation to land resources in subsoil use. The use of this approach will make it possible to timely diagnose the effectiveness of land use in the territory and identify negative trends in order to develop timely compensation measures. The direct assessment of the proposed indicators, carried out on the basis of official statistics for the conditions of the Sverdlovsk region, as an example of the mining region, made it possible to identify negative trends in land use, indicating that the measures taken to minimize and compensate for the negative load on land resources are insufficient.
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