computer simulation modeling, crushing and conveying complex (CCC), crushing and reload-ing plant (CRP), rational parameters, cyclic-flow technology (CFT)Abstract
The application praxis of automobile and conveyor transport in open pits shows that their parameters often do not correspond to the actual parameters and dynamics of development of mining operations in the part that provides their rational and productive use with maximum economic effect. The problem is most typical for the conveyor section of this transportation type, the basis of which is the crushing and conveyor complex (СCC). The reasons for are the lack in practical tools for optimizing the parameters of rock mass flows in the СCC, including justification of the rational capacity of hoppers, in structural scheme of the crushing and conveying plant, in justification of the rational productivity of equipment and its number by type, and in the need to organize the paralleling of ore flows within the СCC, as well as the redundancy of equipment by capacity and/or reliability. In this regard, the work on creation of a simulation model of crushing and conveyor complex, providing the solution of the above mentioned problems, is being carried out in the Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The article presents the structure and algorithm of the model substantiated in the course of research, as well as the results of approbation of the simulation model realized on the example of a single-line CCC with CRP on the basis of one cone crusher. The performance of the model was confirmed, the possibility of its application for selection of rational parameters of CCC by means of selection of variants ensuring the stability of CCC operation in terms of load flow at the stacker output was confirmed.
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