rock destruction, drilling and blasting, quarry, strength properties, energy and detonation characteristics of explosives, parameters of intermediate detonators, heterogeneity, seismic and explosive effectsAbstract
The existing principle of calculating the parameters of drilling and blasting operations according to the methods is based on the representation of the array as a homogeneous object of influence in composition and structure. Nevertheless, a real rock mass intended for explosive destruction is not a permanent physical object in its structure and composition. Therefore, the design of drilling and blasting operations should be solved on the basis of the principles of operational and systematic consideration of the variability of the physical and mechanical properties of rocks in the dynamics of the mining process, and improvement on this basis of appropriate approaches to control the detonation and energy characteristics of emulsion explosives.
The article substantiates the relevance of the research carried out, provides an overview of the current state of methods for accounting for the variability of the properties of a rock mass, physical and mechanical properties and calculation of explosive charge structures. The results of determining the variability of the physico-mechanical and structural properties of rocks obtained on the basis of data from spherical drilling, choosing the order of initiation of intermediate detonators in wells depending on the strength and heterogeneity of the rock mass, as well as controlling the detonation rate of the main charge are shown emulsion explosives by changing the mass of the emulsion intermediate detonator.
Using the accumulated database of experimental data on the seismic effects of explosions in the conditions of deposits in the Urals, Siberia, Karelia and Kazakhstan, the coefficients of ground conditions and indicators of the degree of attenuation of seismic vibrations are established and presented in the article. The obtained empirical coefficients and indicators allow for more accurate and faster assessment of displacement velocities in the near, intermediate and far zones and to determine the level of seismic impact on protected areas of quarry sides in different directions of initiation of borehole explosive charges, taking into account the seasonality factor.
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