emulsion explosive, blasting, rock destruction, detonation velocity, critical diameter, initial pulse, density, intermediate detonatorAbstract
The article describes the study on the determination of the physical characteristics of intermediate detonators made of EE. The research applyes interpretation, analysis and generalization of the results of theoretical and experimental studies.
Currently used industrial explosives are purposefully (for safety reasons during manufacture, storage, transportation, and use) are less insensitive to the initiating pulse of the primary means of initiation (detonator caps, detonating cords). Intermediate detonators are used to excite and maintain detonation in charges of such explosives: charges of small mass, which are explosives sensitive to the above-mentioned primary means of initiation, placed in a shell to preserve the shape of such a charge, equipped with devices for inserting and attaching primary means of initiation. To ensure the completeness of the detonation of the downhole charge of the explosives, it is necessary to coordinate the parameters of the EE and ID charge, which is achieved by regulating the characteristics of the EE (initial density, structure and formulation), the design of the EE charge and the ID parameters related to both its characteristics (the explosive from which the ID is made, the size of the ID), and the conditions of its applications (location of the ID in the EE charge, ID design, installation of multiple ID / multipoint initiation and (or) counter initiation).
Experimental data obtained in the conditions of the test site confirm the theoretical provisions on the detonation of charges. In the experiment, the explosive NPGM-P-II-M and NPGM-70, NPGM-100 were used as the main charge. Initiation was performed from an ED-8 electric detonator. NPGM-P-II-M was sensitized with ForeSphere glass microspheres. NPGM-70 and NPGM-100 are sensitized by the gas-generating additive sodium nitrite. The critical diameter for NPGM-100 is 75 mm, and forNPGM-75 it is 90 mm; the diameter of the ID is equal to the diameter of the main charge.
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