epigenesis, crystallization water, α – quartz, β – quartz, microstructure, borehole breakout of roof, tensile strength, formation of defectsAbstract
During draw up works, there are often difficult areas for
the conduct of mining operations. One of the characteristic catastrophic occurrences in making deep mines is
inrush process. The fact of fallout indicates the inconsistency of the supporting work and the stability ensuring methods of the workings under the conditions of their operation. The phenomenon of rock falling into the preparatory workings is the subject of numerous studies. However, none of the theories explains the locality of the fallout process. Existing recommendations aimed at improving the stability of rock outcrops may not fully provide the necessary information for timely clarification and adoption of measures to improve stability and to reduce injuries during the construction and maintenance of mine workings. In the course of the study, a hypothesis was put forward about the influence of epigenetic processes caused by thermobaric conditions of transformation of rockforming quartz on the development of rock formation. It is established, that the local accumulation of hydrogencontaining crystallohydrates in the rock in the zone of influence of volumetric unequal loading, during the mining operations, can dissociate and initiate the process of formation and development of the zone of destruction,
leading to the final collapse. This paper is aimed at highlighting the issue of local stability of rock outcrops in horizontal mine workings at the stage of their construction on the basis of the results of studies of geomechanical processes.