industrial injury, injury rate, risk-based approach, group method, events (cause) tree, root and derivative causesAbstract
The article briefly presents the results of the analysis of industrial injuries at the coalmines of JSC SUEK-Kuzbass. The company is actively developing methods of production risk management based on the identification and elimination of hazardous
production situations. In this work, an important role lays on ranking events and their causes according to certain characteristics. That is why the analysis was carried out with use of the risk-based approach for identifying the root causes of deviations from safe working practices and, as a result, the occurrence of injuries.
The risk-oriented approach to the analysis of industrial injuries is based on the group method, which allows to establish the most traumatic professions, workplaces, processes, etc. and the construction of an “events (cause) tree”, which allows
to identify the main (root) and derived causes, as well as their relationship. We revealed that a significant proportion of injuries is observed on the surface complex of a coalmine – 26 %. The share of injuries in the most dangerous areas, such as the
cleaning face, is becoming smaller – 17%. This distribution indicates non-technological and nontechnical causes of injury. The main causes of injury are related to the organization of production and work processes (76 %) and human behavior (14 %), together accounting 90 %.
The combination of these two methods – the traditional group analysis of injuries and the construction of “events (cause) tree” – allows ranking risk factors by various characteristics and grouping them to provide targeted, more adequate acting to
eliminate them or reduce the degree of their influence. The formed data bank of logical chains of reasons for personnel deviations from safety requirements is a statistical basis for the subsequent formation of an Atlas of typical for coalmines hazardous production situations, in particular, the prerequisites for their regular occurrence. The Atlas of typical hazardous production situations can be as a practical guide for predicting the occurrence of hazardous production situations at a
coalmine which increase the risk of injuries and accidents.
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