
  • Timur F. Kharisov
  • Arkady N. Avdeev
  • Dmitry A. Koptyakov


modulus of elasticity, modulus of deformation, tensile strength under uniaxial compression, axial and lateral deformations, rock elasticity, peridotites, Bazhenovskoye deposit, stress-strain curve


The paper describes and compares methods for determining the modulus of elasticity of rocks under uniaxial loading. Tests with pre-compaction of samples, in which deformations measured with extensometers, usually give the best results. The difference between the compared methods when determining the modulus of elasticity reaches 25 %. From the analysis of the results, we noted that the results of determining elastic constants, when tested under uniaxial compression conditions are influenced by the choice of a rectilinear section of the stress-strain curve.


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